Wednesday 28 May 2014

Day 2 : Tbilisi, Georgia

Today was about getting up for views. After wandering along the river and stopping at the newly-opened Peace Bridge

 Then (the cable-car being closed), we hauled ourselves up to the top of the hill to the fort

and close to the 20m tall aluminium statue of Mother Georgia, cradling a cup of wine to greet you and a sword in case she decides she doesn't like you after all.

Later we took the funicular for a princely 2 lari (70p) up on to the other (higher) hill in town for some even better views of town

Meanwhile, lunch had been a fortifying trout stuffed with walnuts for me while Duncan sampled the local delicacies of a trio of crab, mushroom and minced meat dumplings called khinkali, rather like dim sum (a snip at about 50p each) and a khachapuri, a very filling (and the "small" was dinner plate-sized - just as well the chap at our guesthouse forewarned us!) "cheese pie" (aka cheese-stuffed bread - think stuffed-crust pizza without the pizza  middle bit, and zero vegetables! D managed half...) To give you an idea of Tbilisi staples, here's the window of our local bakery.

Presently finishing off a nice local red on the guesthouse balcony under a pale blue sky.

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