Monday 3 November 2014

Day 42 - Through NamibRand Reserve to the Sossusvlei dunes (3/11)

We approached Sossusvlei via the NamibRand Reserve, through beautiful grey hills with contrasting waves of glowing orange sand.

The dunes are spectacular and massive, with amazingly razor sharp edges.

and a long tarred road leads through them 

They change colour as the sun matures through the day

The last 5km is 4x4 only, through deep, deep sand

 We let a bit of air out of the tyres, hold on tight and we're off.  Varies between very slippery, very bumpy and, occasionally, a spot of (pot-holed) dry-pan when we can take a breather and regroup. Meanwhile, I snap (rather wildly!)

and soon we're safely there.  We clamber up "our" chosen dune for a view (and to crush some pristime sand!)

only to be pursued by a very persistent beetle who seems to want either to eat us or to be adopted and come home with us. [If you've ever watched The Mummy you'll know why this is not a nice thought]

Deciding not to hang around for sunset, we head back slowly, the gorgeous orange fading on dunes and later the hills. After oryx 

and springbok, D spots in the grass what he thinks are crouching ears... We back up to investigate : five cheetahs!

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