Monday 22 September 2014

AUTUMN 2014 - A NEW ADVENTURE - day zero (22/9)

Summer is fading and we're waving goodbye to Blighty for a few weeks, heading tonight to southern Africa.  A week in Rwanda, two in South Africa (during which - recent army coup permitting - hopefully we'll drive through Lesotho down to Durban, northwards along the eastern coast, and back to Johannesburg), and then just shy of a month in Namibia.

We're lucky that cousin Drew is moving to a new job in London just as we leave, and he will be house-sitting for us while he looks for a permanent place to lay his head.

So ... tonight we catch a South African Airways flight into Joburg, then we need to do a super-fast run between terminals to hop 3 hours north to Kigali. The hotel is supposed to be sending a car to collect us, so, this time tomorrow (Tuesday) we should hopefully be mooching around, sampling locally-grown Rwandan coffee and getting our bearings in downtown Kigali... 

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