Thursday 9 October 2014

Day 17 - Day-trip to Cape Vidal (9/10)

What a difference a day makes - drizzly, grey and a bit squelchy today.  Not that that held back from plans to explore northwards along the coast to a spot called Cape Vidal, lauded in the guidebooks for its white sands and blue waters... hmm, not looking its best today.
However, en route through the park turned out to be more of a game drive than we'd expected (we'd come to a coastline/estuary wetland for birds rather than warthog, kudu and rhino

but there you are). Cape Vidal in fact didn't live up to the guidebook's billing, but the weather didn't help.

Still, the braai is burning merrily for tonight's chicken, and the avocado and tomato mountain which I bought from a woman today looks an excellent accompaniment.  All we need is for the rain to let up...

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