Thursday 23 October 2014

Supplemental - a quick Etosha round-up

Top "spots" were

[1] a honey badger (he darted out in front of us unexpectedly on the road  - too quickly and I was admiring him too much for a pic),

[2] two leopards very late one night at the Halali watering-hole (sadly those midnight photos didn't come out either), where we'd been watching,

[3] thirteen black rhino fighting it out for the honour of the female - a lot of dust, testosterone, threatening grunting and horn-to-horn twisting and thumping (it seems it's all about how strong your jaw and neck muscles are, but no one looks actually to get hurt).  When all was said and done and the champ presented himself to the lady however, she flatly refused him and he was still continuing his attempts to win her over when we left him to his starry-nighted wooing.

[4] the successful rescue of a baby black rhino who'd got himself stuck in a (man-made)
watering-hole. It looked bleak for a while (and frankly as though the wildlife chaps didn't really know what to do)

but, despite the fact that he'd obviously been trying jolly hard already, their cajoling seemed to do the trick and he hauled himself out, very wobbly-legged (Lord knows where his mummy was)


Less memorable moments were when a bull elephant decided to engulf himself (and, consequently, us as there was a fair wind blowing in our direction) with a new line in gentlemen's talcum powder : dust containing (by the distinct, pervading smell of it) ground elephant and rhino poo.

But the scariest thing we saw all week...

Six cracking days - a few other shots of favourite moments...


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