Thursday 16 October 2014

Days 24 to 30 - Okahandja to Etosha and out again (16-22/9)

Game viewing is great to do but pretty dull to read endless reports on! So I'll spare you a blow-by-blow of the six night we spend in Etosha. Suffice to say that there are three main rest camps - from Okahandja, we'll drive to Okaukuejo for the first of the six nights; then about 70km west to Halali for another night, and a further 70km to Namutoni - two nights there and then work our way back via Halali to Okaukuejo.

Etosha National Park covers about 23,000 sq km, of which 23-odd % (nearly 5,000 sq km) is the pan, an arid area which, depending on the light, can be blindingly white or pearly-cream. From a distance, it can look spookily as though you're next to the beach and sea.

Only half or so of the Park is accessible to the likes of us - the rest is given over to zoological research. But the parts you can visit (supplemented by the rest camps' waterholes) have variable landscapes and vegetation, supporting large numbers of we're optimistic!

I'll post a potted highlights with a very few "This is what we saw!" pics, once we're out again (mind you, spot the wee lion above...).

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